“The Zen of Executive Presence is a comprehensive guide to a very important topic for job seekers, image management. David A. McKnight has an impressive knowledge about specific style choices and what they convey but I especially admire his holistic approach to developing a professional image. In a world of "quick fixes" it's always nice to see that someone cares about the process. Without it the changes simply won't stick. McKnight's gold standard is executive presence and when you read his descriptions of what this means you'll want to achieve it too. He claims that it's inexplicable but his images of it show charisma, confidence, eloquence, gumption, and a keen ability to develop strong professional relationships. Professionals with executive presence just exude something that everyone else wishes they had. And they are also much more likely to advance their careers and get the raise.
McKnight encourages authenticity when developing your image. He's not simply going to tell you what to wear and how to groom yourself and promise results. He's not a believer in superficial makeovers. The idea is to find an image that resonates with you and then learn how to make adjustments to it based on your environment, role, and your company's image, to name a few. And one of the most important things to take away is that as you develop your image you're also developing your own brand. As he puts it, "your visual image is part of an ongoing branding campaign designed to advance your career, increase your income and enhance your professional status." If you put to practice McKnight's wise advice you surely can make a positive change in your job search and beyond.”
— Joshua Waldman