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5 Strategies to Dress Better in 2024
As 2024 rapidly gets underway, it's essential to recognize that dressing well goes beyond just following trends. It is a reflection of our personality, values, and professionalism. In this blog article, I share five strategies for dressing in 2024 that will help you navigate the world of style with confidence and purpose. By considering perception, intention, effort, audience, and situations, you can curate a wardrobe that aligns with your goals and professional image, while leaving a lasting impression.
How to Influence People In Virtual and Hybrid Work Settings
As the business world adapts to remote, and now hybrid, work arrangements, it’s essential to develop your ability to influence and persuade in virtual settings.
How to Deliver Difficult News During Challenging Times
There's no doubt that the last few months have been difficult on many levels.
Many of us have had to deliver difficult news at work, or we've been on the receiving end of difficult news.
4 Common Presentation Blunders And How To Avoid Them
The day is here! You’ve researched, prepped and put your heart and soul into this presentation. You walk in excited and ready to share your ideas! However, not even halfway through you begin to notice your audience isn’t quite as engaged as you’d hoped for, or have maybe even tuned out entirely.
3 Spring / Summer Suits Every Guy Should Own
With spring here and summer not too far behind, many of us have our minds on shorts, the beach and basking in the sun. What tends to go without much forethought however, is our office attire or more formal events . All of a sudden, you have a wedding or conference to attend and you find yourself wearing a suit better made for January.
3 Quick and Easy Ways to Update Your Professional Appearance
As we get busy in our day to day lives, we tend to forget our number one priority: ourselves. Living in this way can lead to feeling worn down and unmotivated pretty fast.
To avoid this fatigue, or perhaps to help you bounce back, we’ve come up with 3 ways that you can (almost instantly) upgrade your professional appearance. Try one or even all three of these suggestions to get that spring in your step back!
Why Mornings Matter And 5 Easy Ways To Get The Best Start For Yours
Do you find yourself rushing around in the morning, quickly getting ready, forgetting breakfast and running out the door praying you have everything you need? If so, you’re definitely not alone! A lot of folks wake up everyday to this mad scramble not realizing that with a little effort and some forethought, they could take their mornings back!
Soft Skills And Why They Are Important For You Now More Than Ever
You may be asking, what are soft skills and do I have them? Well, in a sense, everyone does! But like all talents, some skills are going to be stronger than others. Soft skills can include things like negotiating ability, networking, being able to resolve conflicts or even being able to work well in a team. You might even call them ‘people skills.’ These skills are difficult to measure and often times, it’s up to you as an individual to improve upon these qualities.
Stop Setting New Year's Resolutions, Do This Instead! - REVIST
Oh February! The month many of us have already given up our once prized resolutions. All the brainstorming and announcing of new habits to come certainly feels fantastic initially! But, what is it about the thought of a year long goal that just does not hold our attention or motivation? Is it because it’s so far off and we feel we have plenty of time? Do we simply forget and get too caught up in our day to day? I don’t know, but what I do know, is that if you’re going to spend all this energy planning and getting excited, you may want to try something a little different and a lot more attainable!
4 Actionable Ways To Advance Your Career
Love what you’re doing but feel like you’re in a bit of a career rut? Follow these four steps to help get you back on your way to progress!
3 Reasons Why I'm Embracing Failure
Like most, I was once afraid to fail. Of course, this is totally understandable because most people want to win and failing is absolutely terrifying. And while winning is important, at what cost do we chase that score? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the rush and I want to be on top, but, always aiming for perfection can get exhausting.
Last year, after listening to a podcast by Amy Porterfield, I decided it was time to reframe my thinking around failure. I realized that failing simply means that there is more for you to learn and practice.
5 Tips For More Effective Networking
These days, networking seems like some ever echoing buzzword we just can’t get out of our heads. This is for good reason though. Networking is crucial and can play a key role in finding new opportunities or leads. Feel like you’re already giving it a go but not getting very far? I’ve got you covered. Read on to learn five tips for more effective networking.
Interview with Communication Coach, Madeline Schwarz
1) Tell us a little about your business.
I help creative professionals and entrepreneurs articulate their vision and speak like experts. My job is a lot like cooking. I give people a recipe to take all the ideas in their head and put them together in a way that makes sense and tastes good to other people.
3 Easy Ways To Get Your Brand Out Of A Rut
As the world changes at a faster and faster rate, some of us may feel a bit disheartened by what seems to be ever changing professional scenery. Fear not! A great way to pull yourself together is to get back to the basics. Building up a strong foundation will ensure not only a boost now but a platform that will help you flourish going forward!
3 Simple Ways To Build A Strong Executive Presence Every Day
Beyond CEO status, what do Elon Musk, Ginni Rometty and Jack Ma all have in common? Their confidence and awe inspiring presence. ‘But they were born like this! ’ you might think as your vision of a large corner office and P.A. slip further away.
Fear not. Although sometimes it may look that way, all hope is far from lost. If you’re someone who strives to do better daily with a focus on career development, this ones for you.
7 Things You Need To Elevate Your 2020!
Happy New Years! Chances are you've already pondered resolutions, made plans for self-improvement and have maybe even written a list of things you will definitely get to this year.
Sadly, the stats show that we tend to lose steam by mid-February. With this in mind, why not invest in items that will help you stay on track the whole year!
Addressing Your Blindspots can Get You Promoted
Recently, I was chatting with a friend in the office, when I saw this email come through. I was blown away…
The Only 2 Strategies You Need to Get Fit, Stay Fit, and Increase Your Energy as a Leader
As a leader of your company, it can be tough to manage everything. From all aspects of your business, to your own health and fitness, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed at times. From meetings, conference calls, client dinners, work trips, it’s a lot to deal with.
With all of these things going on, it’s very easy to let your fitness fall to the wayside while you power through but you can only do that for so long. Your health is the most important thing and without it, you will not be able to perform your best.
3 Steps to Becoming an Influential Resource on LinkedIn
Although everyone talks about the speed, reach and impact of social media marketing, relatively few people translate that talk into an effective communications strategy – a strategy to help them build their brands, fast-track their careers, reach new customers, recruit talented employees or become influencers in their industries.
A prime example of an under-utilized social media resource is LinkedIn, the 467-million-member network.
3 Tips to Maintain a Relevant Personal Brand
Today's business landscape is changing more rapidly than it ever has since the beginning of the industrial revolution. What's driving the speed at which the landscape is transforming is the convergence of science-led innovations and technological advancements that are creating the potential for our work lives to change in ways that were previously unfathomable.
Not only are these developments impacting fundamental human behavior and interactions, but this new environment is also affecting the way in which we do business: reduced cycle times, increased automation, agile teams, telecommuting, and real-time video work sessions with colleagues on the other side of the planet!