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5 Strategies to Dress Better in 2024

As 2024 rapidly gets underway, it's essential to recognize that dressing well goes beyond just following trends. It is a reflection of our personality, values, and professionalism. In this blog article, I share five strategies for dressing in 2024 that will help you navigate the world of style with confidence and purpose. By considering perception, intention, effort, audience, and situations, you can curate a wardrobe that aligns with your goals and professional image, while leaving a lasting impression.

Career Development, Communication, Executive Presence Candor Templates Career Development, Communication, Executive Presence Candor Templates

4 Common Presentation Blunders And How To Avoid Them

The day is here! You’ve researched, prepped and put your heart and soul into this presentation. You walk in excited and ready to share your ideas! However, not even halfway through you begin to notice your audience isn’t quite as engaged as you’d hoped for, or have maybe even tuned out entirely.

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Communication Candor Templates Communication Candor Templates

Soft Skills And Why They Are Important For You Now More Than Ever

You may be asking, what are soft skills and do I have them? Well, in a sense, everyone does! But like all talents, some skills are going to be stronger than others. Soft skills can include things like negotiating ability, networking, being able to resolve conflicts or even being able to work well in a team. You might even call them ‘people skills.’ These skills are difficult to measure and often times, it’s up to you as an individual to improve upon these qualities.

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Communication, Executive Presence Candor Templates Communication, Executive Presence Candor Templates

What is your image saying about you?

Many people assume that image refers solely to our personal appearance — to our fashion sense, grooming habits and physical fitness. Thanks to this assumption, fueled by various TV makeover shows, people tend to equate image management with fashion consulting, with the makeovers seen on programs such What Not to Wear.

In reality, physical appearance is only one component of our image. It is one of a myriad ways that we express who we are (or think we are) to the world.

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