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5 Strategies to Dress Better in 2024
As 2024 rapidly gets underway, it's essential to recognize that dressing well goes beyond just following trends. It is a reflection of our personality, values, and professionalism. In this blog article, I share five strategies for dressing in 2024 that will help you navigate the world of style with confidence and purpose. By considering perception, intention, effort, audience, and situations, you can curate a wardrobe that aligns with your goals and professional image, while leaving a lasting impression.
3 Spring / Summer Suits Every Guy Should Own
With spring here and summer not too far behind, many of us have our minds on shorts, the beach and basking in the sun. What tends to go without much forethought however, is our office attire or more formal events . All of a sudden, you have a wedding or conference to attend and you find yourself wearing a suit better made for January.
3 Quick and Easy Ways to Update Your Professional Appearance
As we get busy in our day to day lives, we tend to forget our number one priority: ourselves. Living in this way can lead to feeling worn down and unmotivated pretty fast.
To avoid this fatigue, or perhaps to help you bounce back, we’ve come up with 3 ways that you can (almost instantly) upgrade your professional appearance. Try one or even all three of these suggestions to get that spring in your step back!
The Reason Image Makeovers Don’t Work
One of the biggest dangers of the makeover is that the consultant or stylist will superimpose an inappropriate image on the victim — I mean client. In many cases, the client will discard the new image (or certain components of it). In other cases, the client will continue to pound her/his “round self ” into the “square hole,” generating an image that strikes most observers as artificial or phony.
5 Wardrobe Hacks Guys (and gals too) Can Do to Improve Their Appearance and Personal Style
Most people believe that improving their style requires a lot of time, money, and a personal glam squad. While those things certainly don’t hurt, I often help my clients realize how they can enhance their appearance and style with just a few tips and tricks. They are usually amazed by how a few tweaks can make such a huge difference. As a result, they feel more confident when they walk into a room, they feel more powerful during a business meeting, and they also feel like they can take on bigger challenges, simply because they are less worried about how the look.