3 Quick and Easy Ways to Update Your Professional Appearance

As we get busy in our day to day lives, we tend to forget our number one priority: ourselves. Living in this way can lead to feeling worn down and unmotivated pretty fast. 

To avoid this fatigue, or perhaps to help you bounce back, we’ve come up with 3 ways that you can (almost instantly) upgrade your professional appearance. Try one or even all three of these suggestions to get that spring in your step back!

A New Pair Of Glasses

Whether they’re sunglasses, prescription or just for fun, glasses have the ability to make a bold and personal statement. Taking the leap and trying out new frames can instantly upgrade any look.  

And with so many to choose from, why not get a few! This will allow you so many more options when putting together an outfit, not just for the office, but for casual events as well.

Check out Warby Parker for inspiring styles!

A New Haircut / Hairstyle

With work spaces showing more progressive attitudes towards self expression, now is the perfect time to try out a new style. You could try something a little funky but tame-able for work, or even - dare I say - embrace hair loss and try out a bald look.

At the end of the day, if you don’t like it, it’s just hair and will grow back! At worst you feel the need to wear a hat for a little while but at best, you discover a great new look that makes you feel like a million bucks! So take the risk and try something new.

Invest In A Nice Pen And Leather-bound Executive Journal

When you picture an executive office, what comes to mind first? It could be the sweeping windows or beautiful interior design, but for many, it would be that domineering desk. The one that holds all the tools necessary to take the individual behind it to the next level. 

While these tools can vary between industries and different individuals, there are a couple items that carry through no matter where you are: a nice pen and an executive journal. There is something about the smooth flow and comfortable grip of a well made pen that makes writing out your daily requirements much more enjoyable. For an executive journal, we recommend a leather-bound version as nothing says “put together” like the stateliness of a well organized business man.


As you can see, little changes go a long way. Something as simple as switching up your glasses or your hairstyle can spark new inspiration and lead to greater confidence. And with very practical and stylish new tools, you’ll not only look good getting work done, but feel good as well!

Would You Try A New Look To Help Motivate Yourself?

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